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Unit 4 Reflection Assignment

Unit 4 Reflection Assignment

Q Introduction Communication skills and active listening skills are important for maintaining relationships and understanding concepts. Both are keys to better working relationships with fellow students and faculty. Instructions Review Effective Communication & Active ListeningDownload Effective Communication & Active Listening Follow the instructions below based on the modality (face to face, blended, or online) you are taking this course. Face to Face and Blended Partner Listening Activity • With a partner, take turns asking each other the following questions. o What’s something fun you did this summer? o Where is your favorite place in the world? o What would you do with a million dollars? o What’s the funniest thing that has happened to you recently? o If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would you invite and where would you take them to eat? • Do not write the answers down, try to focus on listening, understanding, using active listening microskills, and retaining this information. • Afterwards, take turns reciting back each other’s answers from memory. • Answer the following questions.(Your instructor may have you write this assignment out.) o How much content were you able to remember? o Did you find yourself running into any barriers/blocks? o Get feedback: How was your body language? Did you seem engaged? Online Student Partner Listening Activity- Choose a partner for this activity. It can be your significant other, a friend, a sibling, a co-worker, etc. It must be an adult who can activity participate in this activity. • With a partner, take turns asking each other the following questions. o What’s something fun you did this summer? o Where is your favorite place in the world? o What would you do with a million dollars? o What’s the funniest thing that has happened to you recently? o If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would you invite and where would you take them to eat? • Do not write the answers down, try to focus on listening, understanding, using active listening microskills, and retaining this information. • Afterwards, take turns reciting back each other’s answers from memory. • Answer the following questions in a written journal: o How much content were you able to remember? o Did you find yourself running into any barriers/blocks? o Get feedback: How was your body language? Did you seem engaged? Rubric LE100 Unit 4 Effective Communication Strategies Rubric LE100 Unit 4 Effective Communication Strategies Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompletion Did the student participate in the activity as assigned? Did the student fulfill the parameters of the assignment? 10 to >0.0 pts Full Completion Student fulfilled all assigned elements of the activity. 0 pts No Completion Student did not complete the activity. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAcademic Habits of Mind: Effective Communication Did the student explore the assigned effective communication strategy? 20 to >18.0 pts Outstanding Student demonstrates a thorough understanding of how to use effective communication strategies. 18 to >14.0 pts Developing Student demonstrates a developing understanding of effective communication strategies. 14 to >0 pts Needs Improvement Student has not demonstrated an understanding of how to use effective communication strategies. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection Did the student reflect on the assigned communication strategy? 20 to >18.0 pts Outstanding Student reflects on the use of the communication strategy and sets goals for using the strategy in the future. 18 to >14.0 pts Developing Student reflects on the use of the communication strategy. 14 to >0 pts Needs Improvement Student does not reflect on the use of the communication strategy. 20 pts Total Points: 50 PreviousNext

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I interviewed a coworker, as I’m doing my assignment at work. I was able to remember all of the content. My coworker and I rarely see each other because we are always in and out the office, but I think we communicate effectively regardless. I didn’t find this assignment hard at all. I’m so use to listening, repeating what I heard and then speaking that it has become natural to me. I didn’t have find myself running into any barriers/blocks in this conversation. I think that I experience barriers and blocks when I truly don’t want to talk to a person or have no interest in the person speaking to me. When I find myself not really interested in a conversation, I tend to rehearse.